Wood Cribbing blocks
A 'box crib' or 'cribbing' are blocks used to build temporary wooden structures used to support heavy objects for construction, item relocation, pipe skids, vehicle rehab and equipment stabilization. It is commonly used to secure debris within collapsed buildings or even temporarily support for the buildings themselves. For Sell Lumber, we commonly sell our cribbing to construction and mining industries to use as blocking under equipment or during tunnel excavation. There are many styles and shapes in variable sizes.
Styles of cribbing
Horned cribbing gives you interlocking ends that stack like lincoln logs. Notched or tenoned ends can work in the same way. Just like shaft sets the ends can be manufactured into pegs, posts, fins, dove tails or even interlocking
puzzle pieces depending on the engineers design, but the most common cribbing are just standard square end blocks. Sell Lumber offers cribbing in Douglas Fir and Oak, and can be cut to match your projects needs, although the most common request we get is for 6x8x4', and 8x8x4' in both species. Other 4x & 6x dimensions are also available to order.
Call or email us to see what your options we have for your project.